PB Back to School Night Successful

Jourdan Zelaya, Staff Writier

It’s that time of year again, and you know what I’m talking about. Back to School Night, the one evening where your parents can meet your teachers and it not be because you got in trouble. Paint Branch High School held their annual Back to School Night on September 17th 2015. Parents (as well as students) from grades 9-12 walked through those front double burgundy doors to meet teachers of their children. Parents came to see how a typical school day in their child’s routine plays out. Teachers talked to parents about the overall goal by taking the class as well as what is expected by the students to ensure success. Teachers also talked about important dates (unit tests, final exams, field trips, etc.), future subjects of learning, and academic skills to allow the student to work efficiently. Parents were handed a schedule of their child’s classes so that they can see for themselves the environment that their child works in, but considering how big the school is, the task of finding certain classrooms was quite tedious. Sophomore Helen Pereira says, “It’s always fun to go to Back to School Night with my parents, because they now know what I do every day in my classes.” Mother of sophomore Katie Garcia says, “After meeting all the teachers, I felt like I’m way more involved in my child’s education here at Paint Branch.”


Back to School Night is a perfect opportunity for your parents to get to know your teachers in almost the same way that you do, as the parents see how the teacher’s personality is and now the parents know who exactly who you’re talking about whenever you mention your teachers to them.