Marine Corps Jazz Band Performs for PB Music Students

The U.S. Marine Corps Jazz Band performed for students and then spent time discussing their work.
A love for the performing arts and music is prevalent throughout Paint Branch and on Friday, February 21, Paint Branch had the honor of welcoming the Marine Corps Jazz Band to perform for band and orchestra students. The jazz band consisted of six highly skilled musicians, including a Paint Branch alumnus. The six marines donned sharp red jackets and navy pants. Musical instruments played during the performance included the clarinet, keyboard, saxaphone, trumpet, bass, electric guitar, and drums.
Like movie stars have the Oscars and musicians have the Grammys, the Marine Corps have the Kennedy Center Honors Award where they are able to share and be recognized for their talent among some of the greatest contributors to the performing arts. They have also been honored at the White House where they have performed and received medals. After the performance, Paint Branch students had the rare opportunity to play with the band.
“It was inspiring to see people actually follow their dream and pursue music,” says senior orchestra player Priyanka Ranade. “Many stop their musical ambitions after high school or college.”