
How a Celebrity Death Can Teach a Lesson

Seanne Coates, Opinions Editor

Kpop. I know some – even many – of you don’t even know what Kpop is, but I’m sure a good number of you do. I’m writing today in memory of two young girls from the girl group Ladies Code who were involved in a serious car crash on September 2 along with three other girls from their group.
Ladies Code member EunB died at the scene. She was only 21. One other member, Rise, sustained major injuries to the head and stomach. She remained unconscious and in critical condition up until September 7 when, sadly, she passed away at the age of only 23.

This accident made me think of how fragile life is. We take so much for granted in this life, but you never know when it could all be over.

To me, Kpop stars are almost invincible, but then something like this happens, and it makes me realize that they are human too. Whether it comes to their mortality or their feelings, they are no different from the average person in the aspect that matters most: mortality.
Life isn’t predictable. These two talented ladies died at the height of their craft, and their dreams were shattered in an instant. I’ve learned a lesson from this event, and I hope you will too. Be humble and think about your actions, whatever they might be. Life isn’t promised to anyone; remember that. RIP EunB; RIP Rise.