Are You Ready for College?

McKenzie Perrow, Staff Writer

Most teenagers think of high school as the pit they are stuck in for four years until they get to the golden gates of college. Can you blame us? We go to bed after midnight, wake up before the sun rises, and go through the day of crammed together, learning alongside our often annoying peers. All of this without enough energy to get through it all. College is the number one goal for teenagers, and it should be.

Students going through their freshmen year of high school have an easier time than anyone else in high school. The first year of high school tends to include less work and more aid from teachers. Although these students have the ability to slack off more often than upperclassmen, they still need to keep in mind that things are going to become more serious, and there is no better time than the present to practice good habits.

To my fellow sophomores: it’s time to become a little more serious and start caring. Classes are getting harder, and it’s our job to insure our own preparedness for junior year. Now is the time to think about career options and our lives ahead. Let’s take action.

Junior year is commonly named the hardest of the four. With AP classes, SAT prep, as well as college choices on the horizon, it can be very stressful. Try to take things one step at a time and keep the big goal of college in mind. Your hard work will pay off. After this, senior year should be a little easier, in some respects.

College carries a much higher level of importance now more than ever before. For this generation, there is a seriously competitive work force out there, which makes college a must for anyone thinking about supporting themselves and finding success in their future.