Starting a New Tradition: Paint Branch Holds First Tailgate Event

Enthusiastic Panther fans assembled on Monday evening September 16th, at the first- ever tailgate to support Paint Branch athletics.

The tailgate, originally scheduled for Thursday, September 12, was cancelled due to inclement weather, and rescheduled for Monday in an attempt to rally the school community one more time.

The tailgate took place outside the main entrance in front of the school, near the bus loop.

SGA Sponsor Ms. Mitchell whose group was responsible for the event, stated, “It’s going pretty well for the first ‘technical’ one. The more the tailgates the school has, the more people will come out to support.”

SGA President Lisa Mutooni exclaimed, “The tailgate is so much fun!”

SGA played a significant part in making the tailgate successful. Along with selling food and drinks, the SGA sold eye black and Panther paw print tattoos for the eager fans. These items

helped Panther fans show their school spirit for the upcoming football game against their rivals, Blake.

Junior Meagan Ford went to the tailgate because she was excited about the opening game, and she predicted that Paint Branch was going to beat Blake 30-0.

Many teachers came out to support the endeavor, including Mr. Miller, who is a big supporter of school activities. “Everyone is having a good time,” said Mr. Miller. “I think we are going to get a big crowd out tonight. The weather is great.”

Past Paint Branch staff came out to celebrate as well. Former Signature Coordinator Mr. Eichenlaub came to the tailgate and enjoyed the event.  “I’m here with the Paint Branch Educational Foundation to support the teachers and the school,” said Mr. Eichenlaub. “I believe that the tailgate is a great idea. I hope we do it more often.”

Though the event was not as widely attended as SGA had hoped, just getting the tradition started was success enough for the first week. According to Ms. Mitchell, SGA is turning over the next tailgate to the PTSA, and they are going to do another one for this Friday’s game.