Solar Probe Nears Sun

Angel Benjamin, News Editor

With a space theory in hand and a solar probe destined for the sun, scientists are excited to learn more about the heart of the solar system.
In August 2018, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe, a probe specially designed to withstand high temperatures. Named after Eugene Parker, who theorized the existence of the solar wind, the spacecraft was crafted to understand the energy of the sun’s corona (the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere) and its solar wind (the flow of charged particles from the sun), the key aspects that constitute the star’s atmosphere.
The probe uses Venus as a point to move its orbit closer towards the sun, with the end goal of being within four million miles of its blazing surface in the next five years. Currently, the probe has provided scientists with data about the presence of magnetic fields and energy waves in the solar wind.
NASA hopes that the probe’s mission will lead to revolutionary information, shifting the world’s understanding of solar energy and activity. The probe’s findings and data are also expected to reveal answers to long-standing questions about the temperature of the star’s atmosphere and the power source of its solar wind.
Scientists believe that the probe and its discoveries will help contribute to the protection of Earth’s artificial satellites and of the planet itself from future space-weather events.