Home of the Free and Nosy

For a long time now, it seems that America has become more and more involved in the affairs of the world. The most recent example would be the civil war in Syria, where America has sent aid to rebels. A similar example of this is America’s involvement in the civil war in Egypt. However, these examples and many more pale in comparison to our biggest example, the longest conflict in American history, the War on Terror in the Middle East which has taken thousands of troops to resolve. Many agree that some conflicts that America gets involved in are often unnecessary.

For some reason, America seems to see itself as the “parent” superpower of the world, watching over other countries to make sure nothing goes wrong and nothing goes against America. America is almost always the first to get involved in the squabbles of other countries although, in some situations, the country doesn’t even want us there, but we get involved anyway.

This issue of foreign intervention occurs while we sit on domestic problems including this immense debt we are in, yet we run to send millions in aid to rebels in another country like Syria. In my opinion, this money would be better spent helping ourselves out with problems like poverty, school sizes, and protecting Americans from domestic threats.

Once we are involved in these foreign affairs, we get sucked in and it is a real possibility that one day we could be pulled into an all-out war. In some situations and occurrences, our involvement is appropriate, like in a nation recovering from a disaster or something of that sort, and even then the support should be limited. We must look out for ourselves first and then worry about others.

The times we get involved are often very irresponsible of our government, an agency that seems to takes ages to pass bills that help and support Americans, but are quick to get involved in affairs of foreign countries. The government would be better off taking a “laissez faire” or hands-off, approach with some of these foreign affairs and focus on our serious domestic issues. If we limited how much and how deeply we get involved in foreign affairs we could really help others in our own country. America is a great nation, but it is one that has grown much too involved in the problems of the world, and we need to back off a bit before we find ourselves in a situation that threatens our security.