Are you someone that enjoys the calm and chill vibes that fall brings? The leaves change and then fall, the temperature goes down, not too hot, not too cold, and the days get ever so shorter.
Freshman Elizabeth Hernandez, is a down to earth, relatable person. Who can easily create a comfortable environment and keep a conversation interesting. Let’s get to know her a little bit. Life is an active roller coaster but Elizabeth remains strong and excited about it, which is probably why she rates life pretty highly right now. She replied with “Honestly I would say like a 9 out of 10, “you know I’m a little tired.” We all can agree with that because who’s not tired?
Moving more into Elizabeth’s lifestyle, she says that if her life was a song it would be titled “Changes,” something many can relate to. In fact, could there be a better answer? It’s something that everyone experiences whether they like it or not, but everyone can change how they deal with it.
With reference to food choices like pizza toppings Elizabeth likes to keep it simple, as a good pepperoni pizza is all that’s needed. As for music, Elizabeth’s favorite artists at the moment consist of Rihanna and Drake.
One question that’s always interesting to ask is whether a person is more into dogs or cats. According to Elizabeth she prefers cats, though she has a dog. While on the subject of animals, Elizabeth when asked what animal she thinks best represents herself, states that she would say a dog for their lovely qualities. “I would say dogs, because they like to get distracted easily and that’s something that happens to me a lot,” she states.
Fun fact about Elizabeth is that she speaks fluent Spanish. Another interesting fact on Elizabeth is just what superpower she would have. She states, “Teleportation so you don’t have to be late to class and walk up all the stairs”.
By: Michael Evans