Treating Transgender Students Fairly is not a Matter of Opinion

Imagine going to school every day and not being able to feel comfortable. This is something transgender students constantly having to worry about. Should a transgender male use the girls’ restroom and should a transgender female use the boys’ restroom? They shouldn’t be restricted from making this choice. It’s basically telling them they can’t be who they are or who they are is wrong.

Recently, California passed a law allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.  However, groups sued California over the new bathroom law. Opponents say the law would violate the privacy of the majority of students and some of these students might try to claim to be another gender simply to gain access to bathrooms. This is false logic.  It is unfair to transgender males who now look like females to have to use the boys’ bathroom and for girls who identify and look like males to use the girls’ bathroom.

The law that California put together allows transgender students to feel more accepted by society as a whole. Also, it forces the issue of equality into the spot light beyond just the same-sex marriage debate, and forces people to realize that there are many other areas in which people are treated differently because of who they are.