Dreams: Why You Should Pursue Them

As soon to be young adults, we teenagers should understand the importance of having dreams. Dreams are what bring hope and happiness to our lives, no matter how small, large, clear, or distant they are. They are fuel for our motor and drive us through negativity. Above all else, no one except you should criticize these dreams.

What are “dreams,” you ask? They are long-term goals that one pursues to find happiness and satisfaction; take, for example, getting a PhD, traveling the world, driving that special car, purchasing that nice house. These all could be considered dreams to someone.

What is life without happiness and love? If you don’t have a large dose of both, your life will be stressful and grim. Dreams bring them to us. Having pride in your lifestyle is the key to such a life. Phasing out outside influences that do not support good-hearted dreams is a way to do this. You should not listen to people who say common phrases such as “that sounds hard,” “not in your lifetime,” or “just stick to what you’re doing now,” This is not the kind of motivation you need to help you on your quest. So what if you’ll take time away from your daily life? So what if it’ll require an excessive amount of focus and willpower? So what if it’s very possible it won’t be complete in your life?

Regardless of who you are, everyone has dreams they should wish to achieve, whether they believe it can be done or not. However, that belief is up to you and you alone to decide.