Siced: Prom Dates

Prom is the highlighting moment of the year for many upperclassmen, especially seniors.

As prom season creeps around the corner, discussion of dresses, limos, after prom, and of course, prom dates, are in the air. “Promposals” are an inevitable part of prom. Some people go all out to capture their dream date, and some stick to simplistic ways of asking.

However, people tend to believe that it’s necessary to have a date and think it’s “sad” if you don’t show up with one. Many students, typically girls, focus on the whole corsage-boutonniere scenario and not enough on the pros of not having a date and the cons of having one.

Everyone just wants to let loose and have no worries on prom night and having a date may get in the way of that. Whether you’re going with a good friend or someone you don’t know that well, there’s bound to be some tension and anxiety over several things.

First off, there’s a money issue. Prom tickets are already $85 and if you are planning on buying a ticket for your date, paying $170 could be problematic.  Also, there’s the additional cost of a corsage and a boutonniere on top of your dress or suit. Flowers look great in pictures, but how useful are they after they wilt and die? Think of your wallet before declaring that you need a prom date. To the ladies out there, think of the boy’s wallet before you let him pay for your prom ticket.

Secondly, when you have a date, expectations and worries for prom night seem to be higher. You worry about whether or not your prom pictures will be awkward and you want to make sure that your date is having fun. Teens may worry more about pleasing their date and not themselves on prom night. Typically, when you do have a date, you feel obligated to stick with them the whole night. If you don’t, your date may be very upset. No date basically equals freedom. You can dance with who you want and you only need to worry about if you’re having fun. You don’t need to match your dress with his tie or vice versa. If a person wanted you as his/her date, he or she will still see you at prom. You can hang out with him or her and he/she can hang out with you with no feelings of obligation.

Lastly, there’s a problem with friend groups. If you and your date run in different circles, there could be serious drama. Your date will want to go with their friends, and naturally you’ll want to go with yours. In this situation, you’ll most likely end up being forced to choose which group you go with. Getting ready for prom and taking photos is definitely one of the most fun parts of prom, and if you’re not with your friends, then you’re going to be unhappy and uncomfortable. Even if there are people you’re familiar within your date’s group, it doesn’t compare with being with your best friends. Go solo and go with the people you love. Get rid of the cliched idea of needing a prom date and just do you.