Annual Spring Concert a Bittersweet End

The sounds of beautiful music flowed through the auditorium on Tuesday May 13th as Paint Branch’s Music Department held its annual spring concert.

Audience members were quite impressed by the musical talent on display. Before the show began, Mr. Kirchoff and Mrs. Mitchell distributed the chords and certificates to the seniors in the Music Honors Society and seniors in Jazz Singers. After the ceremony, the musical show commenced with the concert singers, jazz band, women’s chorus, jazz singers, concert band, symphonic band, orchestra and Armonia & Men’s Ensemble entertaining the crowd.

The crowd especially liked the Jazz Singers’ performance of Pharrel Williams’ “Happy.” With performances finished, lights down, and the stage empty, seniors looked back on their high-school music careers with a bittersweet feeling as they will never perform on a Paint Branch stage again.

Senior Emma Shoemaker noted that “being in Jazz Singers has been a highlight of my high-school years. After four years in the program, the evening was bittersweet. “

Fellow senior Priyanka Rande stated that “orchestra was originally just a class to me, but when I met more people in the music department and got more involved with my violin, it turned into a tradition. The spring concert was one great last goodbye after 4 years [as] a part of the music program.”