Siced: Beach Week

As senior year quickly comes to a close for the Class of 2014, anticipation for graduation grows stronger every day.

However, senior year isn’t quite yet over after graduation. Beach Week typically takes place the week following graduation where seniors head down to Ocean City, MD to enjoy the beach, boardwalk, and have it up with their classmates before truly parting ways.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with kicking off the summer at the beach; however there are several things associated with beach week that just makes it lose its appeal.

First off, you have to pay a good amount of money to rent out a beach house, as if senior year hasn’t already bled your wallet dry.

With college approaching, it seems the wiser choice to save the money that you’d spend on a beach house and put it towards things such as accessories for your dorm room or college textbooks because those are far from cheap. Next, there’s the issue of figuring out who you actually want to stay in the house with you. If you’re single and all your friends just happen to want to have their boyfriend or girlfriend stay as well, it could potentially be the most awkward time of your life.

Last but not least, do you really want to be in a house full of wasted teenagers? When high-schoolers hear the words “Beach Week” they typically translate that to drinking and partying. Of course, not all seniors participate in Beach Week with the intention of drinking, but a good handful do.

A bunch of teenagers plus alcohol – you do the math.

Not only is that illegal, but anything could go wrong, especially when you and/or everyone around you can’t even walk straight. If you know you’re not a party kind of person and that’s what your friends plan on doing, don’t put yourself in that situation. The last thing you want is to get in trouble for something you didn’t even do.

The goal of beach week should be to remember the fun times, not the times you or your friends spent puking and hung-over. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself: is it worth it?