Just Write

Putting Your Thoughts Down Can’t Hurt

Tessa Paulsen, Staff Writer

As kids in elementary school, we wrote BCR’s, Brief Constructed Responses, and I was the queen of those things. Back then, I hated to write; my BCR’s were short and right to the point, and I did well because I knew the “formula” to get them done, and done quickly.

Flash forward a few years, and now I see the charm and wonder of writing; it’s a way to express yourself. Whether it be a poem, a short story, a song, or even a novel, writing is always an outlet for feelings-anger, sadness, happiness. In writing, you’ll find every emotion there is in a piece of literature.

I know that some hate to write; they think it’s tedious and annoying, but that is writing when it comes to school assignments. I don’t really think anyone LOVES the idea of sitting down and writing a 10-page short story for a grade that you need, but writing for pleasure or fun is something entirely different. The feeling of creating a character,making an individual come to life from your mind on paper, is joyous. You can create people, worlds, stories that suck people in; you can do whatever you want. It’s your words, your mind, your writing, and you do whatever you want with it.

Writing is something to do if you’re bored. Just sit down and get every thought out of your head. It can relieve stress and stop you from freaking out about midterms. Try it-sit down and write a poem and see for yourself that you can do anything with words. You can create a love story that would make John Green cry, write a horror story that would make Stephen King shiver, or write an out-of-this-world story that would make James Patterson rethink all of his alien novels.

I understand that some people just don’t like writing, but as a writer myself, both for the newspaper and on my own time, I understand the appeal. Knowing that you have created something unique is fulfilling, whether it’s a cheesy cliché or something no one has ever seen before. For those who don’t know how to start, try visiting Wattpad, a site and app that lets people write and post their own stories for others read. There is endless wonder when it comes to writing, so give it a try – it can do you no harm.