The Last Year: “Cold Hard Cash”
December 19, 2016
Here we are – seniors – getting ready to spend thousands of dollars on a college education. However, before we do that, we must first muddle through the murky world of senior year fees. That’s right, before we move forward into college and the often-immense debt that comes along with it, we first have to spend an inordinate amount of money on our last year of high school. It seems odd to me that we are expected to spend so much on things this year when many of us will be drowning in student debt soon.
Perhaps it is a bit of an overstatement to say that we spend a thousand dollars on senior year, but we do spend quite an abundance of money.
The base price for graduation is about $90, and that’s without extra tickets, transportation, and the cap and gown. Other senior gear runs anywhere from $25-$45. Though these are items of clothing you probably won’t wear much when you go off to college, they feel necessary as you finish high school. Senior year is easily the most-expensive year of high school.
Another important yet pricey cost is for college applications. These are necessary and the cost is manageable but, when they are added to the other important moments and aspects including Senior Unity Day, Senior Banquet, cap and gown, graduation, prom, and a yearbook, it all seems too much to handle.
The dollars add up to quite a bit. I understand that some costs can’t be erased, like AP exams or caps and gowns, but it does seem a bit ironic that we are spending somewhere in the hundreds of dollars this year before our families will be shelling out thousands for a higher education.
One problem I face is a simple shade issue. Really – I have to buy a complete new cap and gown even though we have one hanging up at home from my sister’s graduation just a few years ago.
Why? You ask; because it will be a slightly different shade of red. It’s little things like this that I don’t understand spending money on. Maybe I just don’t understand the hype of senior year, but to me it seems absolutely ridiculous to spend on every single senior activity when the dollars could be used next year.
Let’s do a little math. Graduation caps and gowns are about $170; add that to Senior Unity Day cost at $40, and the senior gear cost at $45, and you are up to $255. Now bring in just the cost of graduation tickets at $90, and that brings the total up to about $345.
Is it just me, or is this a little much? Maybe I’m being too sensitive, but that seems like a lot more money than is really necessary. If we keep adding “less significant” costs such as yearbook, senior photos, obligations, Senior Banquet, and prom, it could add up to well over $500.
I’m not saying all the costs are completely odd or unnecessary; I’m just saying that the year before we spend a completely obscene amount on college, we sure do spend quite a bit on our senior year.