Working Their Magic
PB Marching Band Earns Third Place Finish in First Competition of Season
October 20, 2017
“Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that, with our permission, can encase our every action.” These words from Dorothy Morrison portray the nature of the marching band.
Paint Branch’s marching band was living proof that magic does exist on Saturday, October 7th, at Broadneck High School, in Annapolis, during their first competition of the season. The band’s performances this season, which are titled “The Magician,” feature two evil magicians going through a slow transformation to change their ways when one gets captured.
According to the performers, even though it was windy, looking out into the audience they could tell the show was going to be one of their best performances. The adrenaline rush of competing was complemented by the applause, the “oohs and aahs” from the crowd, and a sense of reason.
This particular performance consisted of “Everybody’s Everything” by Carlos Santana, “Aha” by Imogen Heap, and “Urban” by Benoit Jutras. The performance landed them in thrid place out of a total of four 2A bands. The judges awarded them a decent overall score of 74.19.
“A 74, not bad for our first competition,” whispered PB Marching Band Drum Major, Eric Aaron, as he received the award.
“You guys really put on a good show, and we can only go up from here,” announced Mr. Casement, who led the band into competition for the first time as its Director.
Although they did an amazing job at their competition, there are still some elements that need work. First, before anything else, the band needs to finish its full show. On top of this, the band needs to work on remembering the sets it already has in addition to future ones. Also, with needing to work on those two elements, another important factor for the entire band is making sure they are watching the Drum Major to keep a steady tempo. Without this crucial tip the band will not look or sound like one band.
Once those elements are complete the band will only get better, so be sure to come and support them at the next competition on October 21st at Towson University.