High Schools Should Provide More Electives and Allow Students to Choose Their Own Courses

Ann Marie Akpan, J1 Staff Writer

Imagine yourself walking down a runway or taking photographs at a fashion show. Perhaps you’d like to see yourself in designer outfits by famous designers or upcoming ones at your local schools.

These are real scenarios that exist for some high school students in places where greater emphasis is placed on creativity and expression. In most cases, these interesting, fun, and engaging classes are electives that schools offer to their students.

Electives in high school are supposed to help students find the careers they would like to pursue according to the huffington post. A student who wants to major in journalism should be able to take courses that help them learn more about the field. A student who has a passion for fashion should be able to take  or courses that allow this fashion fanatic to explore both the creative and business side to this work field.

According to the Huffington Post article “Unusual High School Classes” eight  awesome courses from schools across the country” there are several schools in the U.S. that provide art electives to help students better understand the fashion industry. At Sacred Heart-Griffin High School in Springfield, Illinois, a course called fashion fundamentals “allows students to “pursue their  interest in fashion alongside their academic courses. At the same school  courses from construction and design to fashion etiquette to make it in the industry “are offered (IS THIS TRUE?).”

While Paint Branch does not offer students fashion courses, they do offer some  significant programs that go beyond the normal school courses. There are in Medical Careers, finance and business, child development, and restaurant management among others, allow students to study areas that interest them. Paint Branch does not offer students fashion courses,they do offer some significant programs that go beyond.But even more could be added to make it better.  

Some high school students feel that the courses they are taking are not relevant to the field of study they plan to major in beyond high school. Students should be able to have more flexibility in their classes and schools should create a variety of electives to provide them more opportunities to learn about areas that may interest them and prepare them for the real world after high school.

Students would have more motivation to learn and come to school if they had the chance to choose a more inclusive list of classes instead of being required to take a dry list of required classes for graduation.

High schools should offer a greater variety of electives because they provide students an opportunity to discover areas that they may have never been exposed to before and allow students who have a non-traditional school interest, such as fashion or agriculture, to expand their knowledge base and learn more about a career that truly interests them. Be even offering one course, schools tell students they care about their diverse interests.