The College Application Process

Every high school student looks forward to the highlights of his senior year. It’s only right for each person to leave their high school years on a good note, with some memorable events. The excitement for events like senior unity day, senior banquet, prom, and graduation are definitely something to look forward to, but senior year also becomes a time when one is forced to grow up and take responsibility into his own hands.

                College is the next step in a student’s life, and because of this, the beginning of senior year can be a very stressful time. Seniors are pressed with deadlines, fees, and split-second decision making regarding college applications. Every decision is extremely important and has a powerful effect on a person’s future. Not only is choosing the right college important but knowing where the money is going to come from to pay for it is as well.  Also, what career to pursue is kind of a big choice too.

                Even after figuring out where you’ll spend the next few years of your education, you still need to rush to finish applications, then pay for stamps and envelopes and get teacher recommendations. This is a great inconvenience, as you have to rely on other people’s time instead of your own. It’s only normal to feel a sense of “what if” and focus on the negative, but you must remember, nothing is in your hands, and you can only hope that everything goes smoothly.  On top of that, you have to stay on top of your schoolwork and any type of sports you’re involved in as well. The accumulation of responsibilities that seniors need to deal with can become a very stressful process; however, when it’s all over, one hopes that only good can come from it.