PBHS Edge Pigskin Podcast – NFL Week 9
Mr. Holley joins the podcast for the big week 9 matchup between the Bengals and the Browns.
November 5, 2021
“You don’t live in Cleveland.”
It was a cold day in 1989 when former Cincinnati Bengals head coach Sam Wyche shouted those words over the P.A. to an unruly home crowd that had been pelting their opponent, the Seattle Seahawks, with snowballs. Over thirty years have passed since that day and it is safe to say that neither fan base has forgotten those words as podcast guest – and Paint Branch Assistant Principal – Mr. Antasio Holley reminded the podcast crew this week. Well, the “Battle of Ohio” between Mr. Holley’s Bengals and the Cleveland Browns happens this week and both teams need a win to get back on track after tough losses last week.
Listen in as Mr. Holley and the podcast crew give their thoughts on this big rivalry matchup as well as four other key games on tap this week between the Packers and Chiefs, the Ravens and Vikings, the Cardinals and Forty-Niners, and the Patriots and Panthers. So, sit back and take a listen to this week’s PBHS Edge Pigskin Podcast.
Pigskin Podcast – Week 9 (Youtube)