Key Club is Back

Teffera Phillpotts, Staff Writer

Key Club is back and it’s ready for new members. Have you ever wondered what Key Club is really about? Key Club is a club where members help out the community and receive SSL hours for it. The first meeting of this school year was held Thursday September 18, after school.

Students who wanted to help out there community packed the room. Everyone got a piece of paper telling them about key club and what they would be doing, including fee of eleven dollars which is due October 8th. The meeting began with all the members introducing themself starting with the new President Vivian Nguyan, Vice President Jezica Siarez, Treasurer Kevin Nguyen, and Secretary Louis Prung.

Key Club does simple community service activities that give members SSL hours. Key Clubbers can donate 50 soda tops and 10 box tops to get a maximum of 10 SSL hours.  Key Clubbers also help bag lunches for food shelters; they had peanut butter, jelly and bread bought by Tsion Haley. They also host bake sales to raise money for bag lunches that go to the shelters. Another form of SSL hours involves simply going to meetings! At this meeting, they discussed plans to host car washes and even make T-shirts for members of Key Club.

You have to act fast though to be a member because Key club is only allowing 20 members. Key Club activities this year include many fun, exciting, easy ways to get SSL hours. “I am really excited for this year of Key Club,” states new President Vivian Nguyen.