It’s Time for the Redskins to Change Their Name and Logo: Con


Sam Stewart, Staff Writer

The debate about whether or not the Redskins should change their name has been going on for years. People say it’s being racist, inappropriate, and used in the wrong context. They say it is bad and that it shouldn’t be a football team’s name. To put it simply, Washington chose their team name long ago out of respect for Native Americans, and it was not intended to be racist then, or now.
Although I agree that some names given to different races are not appropriate and can be hurtful, the term “redskin” is not one of them. Words or names only have power if we give it to them, and the Redskins name is for respect, not to be racist.
The Washington Redskins are not the only team to have a controversial name that can be seen as directed towards a certain race. Plenty of college teams, NBA teams and others have names or logos similar to the Washington Redskins. If someone is offended by these team names, they simply are just looking for something to be offended about, because the intention of team owners and colleges is not to offend anybody.
When a team names themselves and comes up with a mascot, they aren’t looking for a wimpy name. For example, to honor Teddy Roosevelt, a school in Washington, DC took on the name the Rough Riders, not the Terrific Teddy Bears. No, a team is going to want something that sounds tough and will be intimidating because, in American sports, the name is what characterizes the team.
Native Americans were known for being brave, strong, and tough. For them to be the name of a professional football team or even a college or high school team should make them feel honored and tough because that’s what they are seen as in this context.
Obviously, Native Americans are a minority in America, and there aren’t many of them, but based on a variety of different polls and questions, a majority of Native Americans don’t actually have a problem with the name. Now is not the time to change the team’s name, and I don’t think it will ever need to be changed. Of course, plenty of people are going to have a different opinion and want the name to be politically correct, because nowadays it seems as if everything has to be that way.
What people and Native Americans need to know is that Redskins fans, like myself, have no negative thoughts towards them, and we have nothing but respect for this strong, tough, and inspiring name.