How to Handle First Quarter Grades

Godsee Joy, Features Editor

The end of a quarter always brings along with it feelings of happiness, disappointment, anger, relief, or maybe even a mix of all of these. However, regardless of how you felt after finishing first quarter, it’s a done deal. So, instead of wallowing in misery or tearfully celebrating, take the time to learn from your mistakes or achievements and vow to either do better next quarter or maintain your performance.

Maybe you didn’t get that final grade you wanted, but remember, it’s not the end of the world. Take advantage of what you learned and take the time to reflect on it. Evaluate yourself: What could I have done differently? What were the subjects I struggled in most and why? What about this quarter frustrated me the most? At the same time, don’t forget to praise yourself for what you did well. Remember, reflection does not mean blaming yourself for failures and falling into a depressing funk. Don’t let your disappointment weigh you down, in fact, use it to tackle second quarter’s challenges with restored vigor and enthusiasm.

Maybe you were pleasantly surprised by your final grades, or you were exactly where you expected to be. Regardless, neither serves as an excuse not to strive for improvement. Don’t think that, just because you did well this quarter, it guarantees equal success in the next one. In most classes, the material gradually increases in difficulty as the year progresses. So, if you did well, congratulations. Feel free to bask in your moment of glory, but be careful not to lose sight of the hard work it took to get you there. Always strive to do better; even if you’re content with Honor Roll, go for the 4.0.

Grades are important, but life doesn’t end with a bad grade. What’s more important and of greater value is that you take all the mistakes and experiences this quarter gave you and run with them. If you take the time to learn from them, and if you go into second quarter with renewed determination, nothing can stop you from getting the grades you want.