Top 10 Social Apps For Kids Like Us

Gabriel Payne, Staff Writer

Phones have become a way of life for kids of this generation. They hold personal and public information, as well as serve as teens’ eyes to the outside world. In fact, teens are a big part of app development as their interests, in part, drive the market.
However, a phone isn’t a phone without apps. Apps are the key to a teen’s world, the bread for our butter of life.

“Teens are the next generation of independent decision-makers and, as fast adopters of technology, their networks set the model for the future of social networking and lead the pack for the up-and-coming popular devices and platforms,” says Kim Solow in her article “Stop Guessing – These are the apps Teens Really Use in 2014.”

Solow notes that Facebook is the most utilized app amongst teens. Studies from Solow’s article show that 87% of high school graduates use facebook daily, and 57% of teens say they use Facebook the most of all social media sites. Junior Briana Gaines says, “I check facebook from time to time, i hate when people tag me in bamouts from years ago.”

According to multiple sources, Snapchat is also one of the most popular teen apps, finishing just behind facebook. Solow’s article reports that 65% of teens use this app. Solow explains, “Snapchat went viral because of it’s use of mobile, and it was the first online tool that let users share something, and then have it become untraceable.” Junior Anthony Tinsley says, “Snapchat is life boy; nobody snap me though, but it’s cool.”

Twitter is in third place among these apps. Although it is seen everywhere online to connect with other sites or publish to twitter, only about 55% of teens use twitter, notes Solow. According to the website internet live stats, there are about 6000 tweets a second, over 350,000 a minute, 500 million a day and around 200 billion tweets a year. Junior Pamela Pereira says, “Oh for real i use that daily. I’m surprised it’s only 200 billion a year because i tweet at least 100 times a day.”

The next top app used by teens, according to Solow, is Instagram. Studies have shown 51% of teens utilize Instagram daily. Instagram is an amazing 2.5 years old. Sixty million photos are uploaded to Instagram daily. Junior Kris Johnson says, “I use Instagram everyday, but I don’t be posting I just be lurking.”