Express Yourself, Create Joy

Herawe Kebede, Staff Writer

Do you have a talent? Is there something you love to do that can positively affect others, or simply make people smile? If so, there are so many humble ways to broadcast your talent while at the same time bringing joy to those in need. Also, it does not cost you a penny.

In this time of new wave technology, there are a wide array of talents young people have absorbed into their lives. Some aspiring DJ fanatics can freestyle killer beats, while others use the magic of their voice to capture the hearts of their audience. However, there are many talents that go unrecognized. Aspiring hair stylists create beautiful and edgy hair-dos while street dancers can make their neighborhood their stage.

If you have a talent, why not share with those who are in need of a simple smile, giggle or happiness. This holiday season, play your instrument, perform a dance, or act out a scene because one does not necessarily have to spend money to have an effect on those in need. In this exemplary instance, simply giving your time to showcase your talent to benefit others is a gift on its own.