Video Games: Can They Make You Violent?

Jasmine Hayes, Staff Writer

Picture yourself in your room on your Xbox or PlayStation 3 or 4 playing Grand Theft. Auto 5, Call of Duty or Destiny. Do you ever wonder if a video game will make you more violent?

Violent video games are not the primary reason why people are violent and blaming them for violent actions is misguided, because the human mind is such a diverse thing and, influenced and inspired by so many outside factors, and each one is different.

Other factors also contribute to making a person violent other than video games. The Internet, social media, television, movies, or even cartoons can make people violent.  According Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University, “None of these extreme acts, like a school shooting, occurs because of only one risk factor; there are many factors.” Dr. Anderson goes to say that many factors including being bullied, being isolated, or having family problems can cause a person to do extreme acts like murder or a school shooting.

People might disagree and say that playing the games can and does stir hostile urges and mildly aggressive behavior in the short term. Some might say that violent games can make a child violent if s/he plays them all the time. They say they will try to imitate what they see.

However, other factors to consider that can make children violent other than playing video games are television, movies, social media, cartoons, or even their mood/ family problems. Video games do not cause them to be violent or to commit violent crime, like murder, rape, or assault.