Almost There: The Truth About Junior Year

Arionna Douglas, Staff Writer

Juniors, it’s time; we are halfway to the finish line, so just keep pushing. Junior year is often forgotten about or doomed to be what can only be referred to as the “middle-child syndrome,” the time and place that is often lost and forgotten. Junior year is viewed this way due to the excitement and fear of freshman year and the jubilation of senior year.

Junior year requires critical decision-making skills because those decisions will impact your life for at least the next five years. The elephant in the hallway is the big bad “C” word that everyone is dreading: college. Students often avoid talking about this because of fear of rejection, uncertainty about what school to apply to, and lack of confidence. Of course, college is not the only option for high-school graduates, as one can continue his/her “education” in a variety of places, including the military and career training programs.  However, college is the most-preferred option, but it must be understood that if one does not choose this path s/he is not doomed to failure.

For those who do choose the college path, the pressure of deciding which colleges to apply to and completing the applications aren’t the only challenges they face, as these young people must also deal with the reality of trying to get into a “good” school. Junior year is the last year that colleges truly see on your transcript, so it is highly imperative that you put your best foot forward when finishing this race we call high school.