Kids’ Summer Plans Affected by Too Much School

Gabriel Payne, Staff Writer

Summer is a time kids should enjoy themselves, and not do anything, and basically take a break from their trial of the adult world.

In summer students are reluctantly spending time on SSL hours, attending summer school, and practicing for school sports. These tedious hours take away from a student’s time to do nothing, rest, and relax. Students want to have a get away on their get away from school, Gary Higgins in an article from CNN he states “Summer means freedom for school children to do absolutely nothing, for three long months.”

Summer is a part of American culture and was created in the 1830’s. In an article from infoplease Rachael Stark states “According to the web site and schoolmistress there, farm children went to school from December to March and from mid-May to August. Adults and children alike helped with planting and harvesting in the spring and fall.”. The history of summer shows how kids had important things to do and school wasn’t their whole life. Now school is part of their life everyday and it’s like kids have a year round job of education, which they don’t need or want.

A students summer is a part of the economic world as well. In from summer students to go to camps and to get a job and be that tide of community workers, who flood the streets with life. A break for students is what summer is, not a time to catch up or excel in school. Assistant Professor Ken Gold of the City University of New York in Staten Island states, “Once that summer vacation was created and really embedded in American culture and psyche, there is a number of economic interests that are centered around summer leisure, or summer leisure pursuits,”

Many students see the summer as a way to excel in hobbies but without much time they won’t really excel.  Some students know first-hand how their days over the summer vacation can be crippled by school activities, 2016, Samson Temesgen states, “I intend on working on my music over the summer, and I feel like summer school is going to taint my entire summer”. Students should be able to excel in other activities besides school. Kids are kids for a reason. Some aren’t mature enough to handle so much stress and giving them summer work may push them over the edge. In other words, the less summer work, the more content child.