Truth vs. Lies: There is no Winner

Aaminah Matthews, Staff Writer

During the early stages of life, we all live in the mental bliss that everything in this world is crystal clear and perfect. We live in our own world, a place where no one tries to sway or change who we are or what we think.

However, as we mature, it seems that the once crystal view we had on the world becomes foggy and confusing, due to our own actions or those of others.

The culprits of this foggy image are lies and half-truths. When we are younger, our parents tell us miniscule lies to save us from hurt or to carry forward a little fantasy we live in. As we grow older though, the lies begin to come from others and seem to grow bigger and affect us at a higher level.  These lies – for the most part – come from our peers or our friends, those we’ve come to rely on the most.  These lies hurt.

Being lied to is frustrating because, to the adults surrounding your life, these lies seem unimportant. They are seen as minor infractions that we should easily move on from. In the world of teenagers, though, every lie is like a boulder crushing down on your life of friendships of course, later in our lives. Later we will realize that every lie we were told and our reaction to each was petty. We will know that lies do occur and there is nothing we can do about it. It is inevitable. However until that time – we are crushed.

How one deals with the pain that comes with lies or broken trust is often to swallow it down, and when the truth comes out, we no longer speak about the lie. However the lies continue to build and build until they become an everyday occurrence. We “forgive” and swallow the pain down, but we never forget. It’s astounding how words spoken can completely change ones outlook on a person. Many feel it is better to keep a lie because no one would be understanding towards the truth, while others believe that friendships once built on trust are completely broken. In some, that is true, but in others it is not.

Forgiveness though is the key to any fix of a crushed heart.

We must forgive not for others but for ourselves.

Forgiving doesn’t mean that you must keep the relationship you have built or try to make it better, but rather letting go of all of the hurt in your heart. If there were not forgiveness, we would go through our lives with anger and fighting. We must put everything behind us because we all make mistakes and we all do things we regret.  The truth does hurt, but it is never better than a lie. It must be spoken. So speak the truth, forgive and let go.