Preparing for Finals? Find the Right Study Method for You

Abigail Bediako, Staff Writer

Wondering how to study for finals? There are many different ways and techniques on how to study for finals.

Believe it or not, some people actually study for finals. That’s right; people actually review their notes, finish review packets, and form study groups.

The best way to study for finals is to have a study buddy, because it makes studying more exciting and fun. You and your study buddy can make note cards or play games such as jeopardy to study. If you are one of those people who can’t focus on studying when others are around, make note cards for yourself to review important information. On one side of the note card, write the question and on the other side write the answer; if you get the answer right, good job. If you don’t get it right, look at the answer and try to memorize it. Memory is the most important thing when taking a quiz or an exam. If you don’t have good memory, then that’s a problem, so you better study hard.


Students who aren’t slacking take studying very serious because they don’t want to fail.

“I am going to have a study plan for the rest of the week and practice with my friends. [I’ll also] Review all my notes and textbooks. I will also use flashcards.”

— Kahleb Aberra, 11th grade

Samuel Saryee, a 12th grader at Paint Branch who just graduated and went through four years of finals, says, “First things first; study for an hour each day of the week. Look over study guides and practice problems.”

Efeti Etule, a Paint Branch 11TH grader, says, “I don’t prepare. Sike, nah, I go back and look at old notes from class.”

While those who care about finals are studying hard and focusing, the people who don’t care either don’t do any studying or, perhaps, just complete their study guides and don’t look back at it again. Some of them don’t even do their study guides. These people- like most in school-just want school to be over already.

Of course, everyone has a different outlook on studying, and everyone has different techniques for studying- though they all have a similar goal: to do well on finals. If you are looking for ideas for how to study better, try one or all of these methods and choose the one that is best for you. Good Luck!