How to Ace That Driving Test

Misael Lopez Vasquez, Staff Writer

Imagine yourself behind the wheel as you await your driver’s test. Before the driving test, you were asking everyone, your parents, your friends, even yourself if  you were going to pass the driving test. Now you sit behind the wheel and wait.

What happens next is entirely up to you. If you prepare for your test, you should be fine, but if you aren’t serious about it, then you’ve got a problem. The problem today for most of the people before they take the driving test is that they lose their confidence and doubt themselves too much before the test.

Those who have passed the test will tell you that to pass the test you really need to practice. This sentiment is exactly what Maynor Hernandez, a junior from High Point High School says, “Before you take it, all you have to do is prepare yourself and you should have no problem with it.”

Practice is really important because it’s a preparation for what you are going to do on the test.  Practicing challenging skills, such as reverse parking or studying important elements such as memorizing the road signs, are simple aspects that you are tested on that you can practice. “You have to give time practicing to drive and all that, but it’s also important knowing the road signs, because if you don’t, you won’t know what to say when they ask you about them,” stated Milton Amaya, a senior at Howard High.

For teens, getting a driver’s license is a big step up and is really exciting, which is what Andrei Zakhareuski, in his article “How to Pass your Driving Test the First Time,”expresses, “Getting your driver’s license is an exciting venture and life-changing experience, but it is also a big responsibility. Taking the driving test can be a little nerve-wracking, but there are ways you can prepare that will help ensure that you pass that test with flying colors on the very first try,” says Zakhareuski. So, remember you can do anything with preparation and, if you are about to take that big test, you had better start preparing.