What is the Best Movie Trilogy?

Dario Maldonado, Staff Writer

A trilogy is a group of three related novels, plays, operas, albums or, in the case of this article, films. A great film is filled with exciting, deep characters and an enticing plot. These stories are ones of adventure, tragedy, drama, and conflict. Three connected movies that maintain a constant level of greatness make a great movie trilogy. The Original Star Wars Trilogy meets these guidelines, as each movie is fun and adventurous, but also dark and dramatic.

Star Wars (Episode IV) was the first installment in this trilogy. The movie was great for many reasons. It introduces the audience to a far-off fantastical place and a relatable, likeable main character. This movie contains many scenes that leave the audience in awe and on the edge of their seats. Unlike movies today, this movie doesn’t need action to be great; it focuses more on expanding the world, deepening the mythos, and exploring characters’ personalities. This movie is also responsible for introducing one of the best movie villains of all time, Darth Vader. Along with all the other strong elements,  this movie has one of the greatest scores in cinema history. Composed by the legendary John Williams, the music takes the emotion of each scene and amplifies it to make for a satisfying effect. This is not even mentioning all the revolutionary special-effects accomplishments this low-budget movie achieved.

The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V) took what people loved about the original and expanded it. It took the awe of the battle scenes and multiplied it infinitely. The use of practical effects in each scene gives everything an authentic look, and these effects from 37 years ago still hold up today. This story still manages to feel like an adventure even though it is a mostly character-driven film. The adventure is in the exploration of the characters’ personalities. The fight scene between the protagonist and antagonist – Luke and Vader – is one of the best in film history. It is filled with emotion, and the audience can feel the desperation and anger of the protagonist as he tries to battle a terrifying opponent. This movie also contains one of the greatest twists of all time. It also takes a risk and ends on dark note, which is the polar opposite of the first film in the trilogy.

Return of the Jedi (Episode VI) is different from its predecessors as it is more kid friendly and includes a somewhat controversial aspect that some devoted Star Wars fans did not take lightly. The storytelling, special effects, and camera work changed in a slightly less interesting way. That’s not to say that the practical effects become any less amazing. The negatives in this movie are outweighed vastly by the positives. The characters are still true to their personalities, but they have changed so much. The battles in this movie are full of excitement, and represent  some of the best in cinema history. The final confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonists is thrilling, and their battle explodes with anger, passion, love, and fear. The movie, and subsequently the trilogy, is wrapped up beautifully with an emotional ending.

Star Wars was anticipated to be a complete failure by its director George Lucas at the time of its release in 1977. He was so devastated about it while it was in theaters; he went on vacation and wanted to hear nothing about Star Wars. While he was away, the world went crazy, and everyone fell in love the movie. Star Wars has spawned a new sub-culture of geeks. It has affected many lives and inspired newer generations of movie makers. The three Star Wars movies have had such an impact on society that, even to this day, toys from the 70s are still sold. The Original Star Wars trilogy reaches out to such a wide array of people and speaks volumes to many. That is why the Star Wars Original Trilogy is the best movie trilogy.