Senior Goodbye: Eric Selden- Staff Writer

Eric Selden, Staff Writer

Mainstream is by far the best elective someone can take at Paint Branch. It’s a place to get your thoughts and ideas onto paper, and get them published for everyone at PB to read. Having the legendary Mr. Woodward running it makes taking the class worth it; he really is a great person. I had the opportunity of putting together “Word in the Hall” and “Senior Spotlight,” which is interesting as I remember years ago as a little freshmen reading the paper only for the questions and answers on the back page. I’ve always really liked learning about people and their opinions, so I volunteered to take on the heavy task of coming up with questions each issue and soliciting answers from the staff and students at PB.

The best part about asking the questions is the diversity of responses. Most of the questions I asked ended up getting me replies of “Never mind, I don’t want to answer” and “What’s that?” But those who did reply always had something interesting to say. There isn’t a better way to get to know someone than asking questions. Those answers often turned into stories and some provided lessons too. We all have so much to say but so little time to do so, which is why the newspaper is the best way to make your voice heard. Over the years, I’ve discovered the more personal side of many of my teachers, which is why I can’t stress enough how great the staff here really is. Everyone in this building is here for the students, so my advice to underclassmen – the future leaders – is to keep asking questions.

College: University of Oregon