What Happened to Senior Unity Day

Alana Campbell, Staff Writer

Last Thursday, rather than participating in the Senior Unity Day Event at Smokey Glenn Park, seniors went to class as usual. This decade-old tradition, wherein the graduating class leaves  school and participates in a day full of fun activities, was cancelled just days before it was set to take place due to lack of interest. 

If you’re part of the Class of 2020 or close to it, you’re probably not surprised. 

Throughout the first few weeks of school, since the event’s date was announced, informal polls popped up across social media, gauging student interest for it. In many, the majority of respondents were less than enthusiastic, and many seniors were even brainstorming more engaging alternative events they could do as a class. 

There are a couple of theories as to why seniors weren’t interested: confusion about the $42 cost, which seemed high to many, and a new rule barring students who didn’t attend their senior meetings from attending the event, are two likely reasons according to SGA President Yael Beshaw.

Not only were students well aware of this lack of interest, but the teachers seem to be as well. Several homeroom teachers for the senior class reported receiving very few senior unity day permission slips. Ms. Salem claimed that she received one, Mr. Walker said that he took in “three, no more than 4,” and Mr. Ritzer reported getting zero, adding “that seems really low.” 

Subsequently, on Monday, September 16th, in a short message on the Class of 2020 Google Classroom, administrators updated seniors on the status of the event, stating that it was cancelled and that they plan on scheduling a different senior event later on this year. 

Read more about this developing story in the October issue of MainstreaM.