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The Student Newspaper of Paint Branch High School


The Student Newspaper of Paint Branch High School


The Student Newspaper of Paint Branch High School


Lan Huynh

Lan Huynh, Staff writer

The first year of coming back since the Covid-19 quarantine and moving to virtual schooling was quite nerve-wracking for students. but it was definitely an interesting school year for all of us. Online learning made our stay at home, on the computer screen, and away from others. However, one interesting aspect that didn’t change, notes PB senior Lan Huynh, was the SSL hours required to graduate from high school. 

Lan is an affable individual, who claims that his favorite color is black - though he questions ¨Does black count as a color?¨ His goal in life is to own a medical company, which may be why he’s planning on going to medical school after high school. He wants to be a doctor when he grows up because he likes to help people and says, ¨I just like science.¨ 

When there is a new school year, there are new classes, new teachers to meet, and old friends to see. But there is always something to plan for at the beginning of every school year, especially if you are in your senior year. This is why getting enough SSL hours to graduate is important to Lan. In addition to the SSL requirement, Lan is busy making college plans as he finds this to be a top priority. 

His favorite news topics are the ones from the car magazine Motor Trends and his favorite places to visit are Car Meets which is a place where local car enthusiasts get together to show off their cars. His favorite type of car is a Mazda rx7 (1995). His number one quote of the day is ¨When it comes to cars, I can just talk all day¨  

and his favorite movie to watch is The Truman Show.  He joined the lacrosse team his sophomore year and the sport became his favorite. Interestingly, he says that he likes the number eighteen since that's the starting age of an adult in the United States of America and where most opportunities start. 

He believes that junior year is the most difficult year as he exclaims ¨It's always junior year!¨. Lan describes himself as He is an ambivert which means he likes to be in nature while keeping to himself. He thinks traditional learning is better than online learning, which is something a lot of students found out during the pandemic. 

His feelings about writing are complicated as he says, ¨it's a love-hate relationship.¨ He likes any type of writing that is freestyle. He joined Mainstream Journalism and journalism class to get better at writing.


By: Bethel Gedihun

All content by Lan Huynh
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Lan Huynh