Bible Study Club – Friends and Faith

Afor Foncham, Staff Writer

Some may wonder what Bible Study Club is all about, while some do not even know it exists.

Bible Study is a club that is held every day during LAP by Paint Branch staff member Mr. Massey, an engineering teacher, who is the sponsor of the club and is a man who has more holy in him than you might think.

The club started in the old PB building when a small group of students wanted to acknowledge God’s presence. According to Mr. Massey, “It started was about ten years ago by students that were interested in God’s words and what he does for us.” Ever since then, students have been recruiting their friends to join the club o learn more about the word of God.

The club continues to grow little-by-little with new faces. Bible Study not only helps students learn more about the word of God; it also helps them grow interdependently. Alexus Norfleet, one of the Bible Study members, said, “It’s a place where I can learn about the Bible and a place where I can be myself and listen to others. I think everybody in this school should come, because we are not going to live forever; we have one final destination, which is where you choose.” Norfleet mentions that anyone who needs spiritual guidance is always welcome.

At Bible Study, you will see students who are passionate about the beliefs of God and some who aren’t so sure about who God is. “Basically, I take verses from the Bible, recite them and put them in a context to which the students could relate,” said Mr. Massey. Sometimes you might even see other staff members such as wrestling Coach Mr. Rick Smithe or school counselor Mr. Oliphant.

Mr. Massey mentions that the club deals with every kind of problem, whether it’s personal or not. The students who attend Bible Study face all kinds of problems; they go in for a Bible education to redeem themselves.

As you walk into the room, the first things that you notice are the snacks. They have Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, and Sun-chips alongside juice boxes that are laid in rows for the members to retrieve. Mr. Massey said, “We celebrate traditional holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we throw a party after school and everybody is welcome to bring in food or drinks.”