High School Horseplay

High school helps pave a student’s road to success

Emem Essien, Staff Writer

It is understandable that students take school seriously if they are planning on living a successful life, but some students do not seem to understand this concept and end up fooling around as if high school is just one big playground. These students, all too often, slack off and find themselves heading down the wrong track.

Students fail to recognize the vitality of school. It is not an area to sit around and make friends but a place to conjure up ideas and learn life skills that will be beneficial in the long run. Friends, popularity, and acceptance is not going to help you get a diploma any sooner. Students should live this mind-set: Will this all matter 10 years from now?

Some students have a hard time trying to accept this, matter of the situation and more than often those same students end up not getting where they want to be in life. It is important that students keep in mind that they have a record and these acts of foolishness will not be tolerated in college. Think before you act.