NHS Tutoring for PB Students

Joseph Kim, Staff Writer


The National Honor Society in Paint Branch High School holds tutoring every Monday through Thursdays during the lunch activity period in the Media Center for students who are struggling with certain subjects, such as math or English, or even for students who simply need help with homework. They have several tables with tutors stationed at each table focusing on a certain subject.

This free tutoring is an opportunity for struggling students to receive help on their school work if they are behind or simply trying to get their grades up before interims or report cards.  The tutors enjoy doing their “job” and Senior tutor Dhruv Mathur said that “It feels great to see others succeed.” The NHS Tutoring has been advertised daily on the Paint Branch Report and is very easy to attend. It’s open to all students. Once students walk into the media center, there is a computer to sign in and by doing so teachers will know that you’re going the extra mile to do well which is always a good benefit. Senior tutor Alexis Anderson says that “I like seeing students try, it makes me enjoy what I do. I don’t want to help students who aren’t willing to learn, but everyone who comes is great.” NHS tutoring is a free resource that is available almost every day except Friday and they are constantly encouraging everyone to come out and learn and go the extra mile so that not only will it show in your grades but also in your future.