Handling Teen Stress is all About Attitude

Julia Kabasela, Staff Writer

Teen stress — the causes of it and the immense change that adolescents have  to go through– are all part of growing up, but that doesn’t mean it is easy.  

Stress for teens is often the result of significant change in their lives. Stress is defined as your body’s way of responding to any threat, according to physcology today.com.

Whatever causes your stress – whether it be change, school, relationships, or something else entirely – you must keep your head up and fight through it. Do not fold because things get hard. You can cry, scream, or fuss but never ever give up fighting and growing.

Teens should be living their lives rather than being stressed out of their minds. However, since stress for teens is inevitable, helping learn how to deal with it is key.

For teens, targeting just what causes their main feelings of stress is important. Stress can be caused by a wide array of issues including school, relationships, trying to fit in or even having high expectations. Teens have many of demands and responsibilities, and these cause stress.

According to a USA Today  article titled “Teen and Stress: Bad Habits Begin Early” by Sharon Jayson, USA Today conducted a survey to see what caused the stress that makes teens a lot more irritable and angry. Their survey found that 40% of teens say that they are irritable and angry, while 36% say they are nervous or anxious. The others say they are depressed, sad or overwhelmed because of stress. The survey also found that teen girls are more stressed than teen boys and, even nationally, women are more stressed than men.

In this article, another important fact that arose is that  teens have bad habits that can cause an increase in stress like lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and poor eating habits. Teens just need to make a lifestyle change. One way to reduce stress is to get off your phone at night and sleep. Do not skip meals, AT ALL. Also drink a lot of water; it helps keep you hydrated. This is an important part of growing up.

The International Journal of Indian Psychology, an academic journal, reports  that stress in teens can be caused from both the home environment and the school environment. Those two environments are huge factors of stress. In their study, they say that how teens “compete” in academics may be a huge factor in stress. One noted area is grades.  If teens have poor grades, they  stress themselves out trying to get them up.  In this study, they also found that stress can be caused by life events, whether they be traumatic or life-changing.

The article “Teen Stress Prevention” from Teen Help.com has some ways that teens can prevent stress by nourishing their bodies and staying healthy. The article says, “ Sleep regularly for 10 hours a night, eat properly and exercise daily, cut the caffeine, avoid drugs and alcohol, and find your own personal and safe way to unwind.”

Another article from, AACAP, which helps families keep good mental health, says that parents can help teens cope with stress in these ways:“Monitor if stress is affecting their teen’s health, behavior, thoughts, or feelings.” Another way parents can help is to “listen carefully to teens and watch for overloading.” Those are some other ways that teens can get help with stress.

There are also other ways to reduce stress. Just take a deep breath and relax for two minutes. Don’t think about school or what stresses you out. Just relax and listen to music, which helps a lot.

It will always be okay; your stress won’t be the end of the world. Fuss, cry do what you need to, but stay positive even if you feel nothing will ever change. From their standpoint, teens are going through a whole lot of changes. Teens are just going into adulthood, which is a difficult transition. Teens have school, and sometimes teens have siblings, they have t0 watch, with absolutely no choice. This responsibility can stress put a whole lot of on teens.

Just keep your head up all the time and you will be okay.