Mother Nature is Sick

How this Year’s “Winter” Shows Us Climate Change is Real

Eric Lugo-Lopez, Staff Writer

The weather recently seems to have a mind of its own, and it is making it hard for people.
In January, it is not normal to go from wearing heavy coats one day to wearing just a sweater the next. It is not normal to have the weather so different that it makes people go from being well one day to having a runny nose the next day.

Supposedly, it’s winter, but winter is supposed to be cold and snowy. Lately, it has been cold at times with a temperature as low as 20 degrees but, just a few days later, the low dips only as far down as 40 degrees. A lot of people say it’s because of global warming in sort of a joking tone, but is it true or false?
According to the National Wildlife Federation, global warming is having a peculiar effect on winter in the continental U.S. For example, the fact that spring is estimated to arrive 10-14 days earlier than it did just 20 years ago shows just how different the climate is today.

It seems like Maryland is becoming more like a southern state where you see temperatures of only 40 degrees or higher during the winter, rather than the colder temps we have experienced.
It is very important to keep track of the weather these days because we all have somewhere to go, and the weather can impact our plans.

Some of us drive and, with unpredictable weather, it sure would be nice to know ahead of time if we should cancel our plans due to heavy snow or freezing temperatures. Of course, those two statements could be things of the past in today’s changing climate.