Swept Under the Rug

Beauty Really is Skin Deep

Dominique Culver, Staff Writer

Makeup is an easy and creative material that is meant to enhance one’s appearance. This temporary enhancement can, though, deprive natural minerals in the skin and create an unrealistic view of yourself that you may strive to always achieve. I have been a victim of these morning routines of applying products that aren’t so enhancing in the long run.

This is not to say that those who wear any form of makeup – whether this ranges from a little mascara to full-on contouring and highlighting – are less secure than those who wear nothing at all. This is just a reminder that it often does have a significant effect on health and perception.

A common insult that I hear ladies suffer through after deciding to go bare after usually wearing their routine makeup is the infamous comment, “You look tired.” This is, perhaps, the least likely comment you want to hear when you’re going all-natural. This may trigger thoughts such as, “Wow. I look that bad without it?” I heard this comment when I forgot to put on my essential eyeliner one day. At first I was insulted a bit, but, ultimately, it sparked a self-revelation. I realized that makeup should be used in moderation and not be something that is so closely attached to my identity.

Of course, excessive use of almost anything brings consequences. This holds true for makeup that contains even a small amount of toxins, which add up over time. Many cosmetic products contain carcinogens, a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue, so being aware and cautious is important. There are many alternatives to avoid these harmful effects, though. BiteBeauty is a lipstick company that creates only lipstick that is healthy enough to eat. Instead of ingesting harmful chemicals, you’re actually taking in organic foods and minerals. Another alternative I use to reduce the appearance of acne is coconut oil and lemon juice. Coconut replenishes oils in the skin, leaving it glowing and soft. Over time, it can reduce acne and dryness. And with flawless soft skin, who needs foundation? Lemon juice dries up stubborn pimples. I’ve used lemon juice the night before on acne and when I woke up the acne was gone!

The best advice I can provide is “if it aint broke, don’t fix it.” It’s okay if your skin is not flawless, but don’t make matters worse by adding harmful chemicals to your body and, potentially, your psyche. Self- enhancement is acceptable but it should never take away from your true character or natural beauty.