Expectation vs. Reality: Jobs

Picture this: Finally getting a callback from all those places you applied to work. Just the thought of making your own money swaddles you in happiness. Walking in on your first day of work, being greeted by all of your colleagues who are eager to help you in all of your tasks whenever needed, not to mention your sweet and understanding boss – this is the greatest.

If only the world was perfect; sadly, in this case, it is totally not. Your fabulous first job that was supposed to be at the mall ended up turning into your not so glamorous job at Mickey D’s, where the grease level is super high while the customers’ patience is extremely low. By the time you want to quit, you have already caught the curse of that first paycheck, and now you are hooked. Oh, and the fact that your parents no longer give you a dime since you make your own money also keeps you serving heart attacks on a platter.

Let’s take a closer look at the type of people that come into your place of employment. People will come into McDonald’s and pay one dollar for a sandwich but then expect a gourmet experience. Also, dishonesty in customers will make you a cynical prick. Don’t demand fries if you have not paid for them!! You dreamed of an easygoing job, but end up in a stressful situation that gets you stuck in a rut.

Then there are your peers who criticize your job while they have never had one themselves. They don’t understand how the corporate world works. They think your first job will be more glamorous, at a fancy café…well, fancy compared to McDonald’s, when in reality you would make the same amount of money and probably end up doing lousier work because of the fanciness of the restaurant. It makes no sense, and I’m quitting.